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We stand for the restoration of the Commonwealth.
“Where As The People”

Welcome to The Great Australian Party website – the home of true change for Australians.

The Commonwealth Constitution dictates that you are the “Supreme, Absolute, Uncontrollable Authority” in this country. As such, it is now high time to give the power back to the people of this great country and that is what “The Great Australian Party” is all about!

Rodney Culleton
GAP Party Leader

AEC claim a couple of the members submitted by GAP were not verified members. Please join today!

Interviews on The Dean Mackin Show with Rod Culleton and Len Harris on the Interviews page.


Quo Warranto

Notice of Quo Warranto, document delivered to Murray Watts, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, published here.


Keep shipping sheep!

Farmers and people working in the live sheep trade are encouraged to upload images in support of the live sheep trade.
Upload your image on this page.




Nicola Charles is running for the Great Australian Party in the next election for the Federal Senate, Victoria.

As party leader I am delighted to have her on board not only for the people of Victoria but for the people of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Rod Culleton
Great Australian Party leader



Wake up, stand up, rise up Australia!

Purchase and download the video and audio files here.


Final Notice to Commissioner of Police

Full set of documents available for download, including Constitutional Report Extracts and Addendum


Press Release from the Sovereign Peoples Assembly of Western Australia Common Law Court


Message from the Sovereign Peoples Assembly and the Common law Sheriffs.

We work for the people, next generations and our futures going forward.

Working with and united in action with Rod Culleton, Great Australia Party, Rural Action Movement and many other patriot groups for the people securing next generations and our futures going forward.
People can now see the work and action on the ground taking effect. This is 3 years of preparation and tireless work to get here. A huge effort of monumental proportions, spanning national and international common law assemblies.
If you would like to support in a small way we now have a donations page on our website for all to share and spread the word. This will assist in covering our operational costs.

We now need the people’s support to get this country back to the people. We have laid the path, copped the flack and tested our action to a point it’s time to act. Act in a big way. 2024 is the year we will take direct action and restore lawful constitutional parliaments and ensure we the people are the creditors and the source and not the corporate private members club we have now.

Make a donation to support the work of the Common law sheriffs:
Sign up for the call to action, WE NEED YOU IN SILENT STANDING WHEN WE ACT:
Follow us on Facebook:



Correspondence – Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions

AFP Notice Lester final (pdf dated 24.5.2023) (response to Prosecution Pre-Hearing Information)
FOI CDPP 9033 – Decision Letter (pdf dated 5.3.2019) (FOI creation of COMMONWEALTH DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS)
MALLESONS (pdf dated 10.11.2016) (Matter Balwyn Nominees and Rodney Norman Culleton)

Live streamed videos explaining this matter can be viewed on the Live Streams page.



Committed To Educating Current & Future Generations On The Importance Of Our Commonwealth Constitution.

What Our Former Servicemen And Women Sacrificed Their Lives For.

It’s time for the farmers to return home.

The 60 Minutes story on one farmer

Live stream videos now on the Live Streams page

FOI – no Head of Power

Australia – The Concealed Colony!

Australia – The Concealed Colony


Red Shirts Investigation

Below  is the original copy of a notice provided to Rod Culleton over outlining concerns of the red shirt investigation and the conduct of certain persons in higher management within the Police Force and certain persons within the labor party.

Red Shirts Police Investigation redacted PDF (pdf)